Jesus has not promised to build our ministry; he has promised to build his church

2 Corinthians 4:5 “For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord”

Our Ministries

  1. Church Planting —  

GPA   church is fellowship of persons united by a desire to worship and do the will of Christ as revealed in the Word of God.  Church is not a building, institution or program but people.

If you want something to last for a season plant flowers, If you want something to last for a life time plant trees,  if you want something to last for eternity, plant churches.

  Our church planting motto is based on  —   “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. “Acts 2:42. GPAC pastors are working in various corners in India for the purpose of planting church.

2.Children Ministry —–

Research shows us that 83% make their commitment to church before the age of 18 years and about 60% by the age of 30 years. Children take the name of Jesus into the next century.

        Deuteronomy 6:6-9      “ Impress them on your children.” 

Purpose of our Children’s ministry :

To shape a child for eternity.     To make present more productive.

To perpetuate for the future.

3.Youth Ministry —–

About 70 percent of India is below the age of 35 making it the youngest nation in the world.

So we aim to prepare them through our youth ministry for building future churches.

GPAC provides training programs to our youth and resources for evangelism and discipleship. It also perpetuates spiritual growth through ministries and events geared toward youth and engages youth and churched in missions and ministry through sheaves for Christ.

4.Women Ministry —–

Women are the vital and precious part of our ministry, they are great strength to our churches and  Ratio of participation of women in our churches are more than men.

GPAC works among women by empowering them by imparting special skills to them beside sharing gospel. Our women collect handful of rice from each other and strengthen the ministry through their dedicated service render to Christ.

5.Film ministry —–   

 our film ministry team presents social awareness program , followed by gospel movies by using digital media devices and concludes by distributing tracts.

This ministry is working very effectively through which we can access people easily to share the good news through digital media. Our youths are reaching the unreached with gospel through our film ministry.

All about Jesus Christ.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15