The Great Commission.
The great commission was given to every followers of Jesus.
The mission of GPAC are :-
Obey the great commission
Our mission is to preach the Biblical plan of salvation in India to save the lost souls to present them as bride of Christ in obedience to the great commission.
Preparing the Youth
Our mission is to create a network of young people across India and helping them to find their calling in the ministry.
To lead the individuals
Our mission is to prepare a group of pastors, evangelist and youth to lead the individuals into the experience of the new birth, to a life of maturity in Christ.
Binding the church to the heart of God
To create, by the power of the word of God and the working of the Holy Spirit, a love for truth and holiness that will bind the church to the heart of God.
Reaching, Impacting and influencing others
To reach the lost souls of all men, by impacting the Word of God, to empower and influence them by the Holy Spirit.
Ensuring purposeful life
To ensure people that their lives is far greater than their own personal fulfillment and to remind them the life is really about living for God, not themselves.
We GPAC speak about life, not way to judge people. Jesus calls us not only to come to him, but to go for him.
“Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.”