We aim for healthy church plan.

People need more than bread for their life, they must feed on every word of God. ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ----- --- Matt. 4:4

Gangarampur Pentecostal Apostolic Church is a Oneness Pentecostal organization with churches, ministers, and members across West Bengal and some part of Jharkhand and Bihar. With roots anchored firmly in the Bible and a vision for ministering to communities around the India, The GPAC embraces its mission to carry the whole gospel in India by the whole church.

Oneness of God or apostolic ministry in West Bengal has been started from 2008 with the prayer and great effort of our brothers and sisters of all around the world. But officially we are accounted our ministry service in 2012, along with seven pastors in different parts of the West Bengal.

Now, there are 30 pastors and church leaders are working sincerely with us to share the gospel in different parts of West Bengal to save the lost souls for eternity by bringing them in the kingdom of God . 

Our Beliefs

Our Doctrinal Foundation

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine”  (Acts   2:42).

This church accepts the Holy Bible as its source of religious belief in all matters. It affirms the Holy Bible to be the revealed will of God and to be the all sufficient rule of faith and practice. We use the Bible’s authority for the purpose of maintaining general unity and adopt the following statement of Fundamental truths. The Scripture, both the Old Testament and The New Testament , are inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man. The Bible is the infallible and authoritative rule of faith and conduct. (2 Tim 3:15-17 ;  1 Thess. 2:13  ;  2 Peter 21:  )

1.Our Present services :

Preaching points, Sunday worship center, children ministry, youth ministry, women ministry, Evangelism, house visiting, tract distribution.

Mission Sunday , children camp, youth camp, women meeting, film project, annual conference.

2. Our Strategy :

Special bible study for teaching whole gospel, church must be alive with solid spiritual food, seekers rally meeting, bible study, fellowship, making the future leader, church growth through family fellowship.

3.Social and humanitarian work :

Relief ministry, drinking water facility, free medical camp, adult literacy, social awareness program, sponsoring the poor, needy and downtrodden children for their education, helping physically handicapped and widows.

Our services

Church service.

Children ministry

free coaching centre

Free medical camp           

     Self help group

Drinking water project

Children camp

Annual conference           

Spiritual emphasis program

Building Future Leaders

Faith and work are like the light and heat of a candle ; they cannot be separated.